Maturity age of planets

Planets or grahas mature at different times in our lives. Have a look at the table below.


At 16 a person starts comprehending religion and spirituality. They start getting a sense of dharma and righteousness.

At 21 a person will start understanding who he or she really is and what they will be doing in life. Maturity comes at this age.

At 24 your mind will mature fully and you will be in more control of your emotions. This is usually the age of recruitment too because companies want people who can be productive.

At 25 you might think about marriage, so that is the time when a person starts understanding love and relationships.

At 28 you will start getting passionate about things around you.

At 32 your analytical skills start developing. Mid level managerial skills usually shine at this point.

Age of 35 is kind of mid point in life. You can truly start describing yourself as an elder who has a better understanding of things around because of the experience.

Placement of planets

Each of these planets are placed on the charts different for each person. The effect of each planet will also be different depending on several factors. For eg placement of Venus can bring in a partner for a long term relation like marriage. Or it can help you to discover more about yourself before settling down for any long term commitment.

Placement of planets in various houses will also indicate what type of reward is expected. This also differs with age too since the requirement of people at different ages is not the same.

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